Hi, I'm Nathan Crotty

A web developer

fresno skyline
Natha Crotty

Let's Work together!

I was nine when I started programming, entranced with my ability to create. I was homeshooled then and spent most of my time on Khan Academy. In sixth grade I started public school and was frustrated with the learning pace. "Why do we need to spend weeks on a concept if it takes an hour to learn?" I'd ask. I taught myself python and programmed bots that would do the calculations for me. I tried to show my classmates, but they unimpressed, saying they preffered photomath.

In high school I was excited to see that they had a programming class. I would always finish my assignments early, so I could help other people on theirs. I would also add extra features to mine. For example, when I got an assignment where I was intructed to create a madlib I created a program which could turn anything into a madlib. I decided that it was too boring if people knew what the input text was beforehand, so I made it so the user was given a random wikipedia article as a madlib.

Recently, I graduated High School early so I could spend more time programming. Now I'm programming everyday and I want to turn it into a career. I know Python, JavaScript, CSS and HTML. Contact me If you'd like to work with me.

Generates artwork similar to James Turrell's 'Glass' series.

Neomorphic compound interest calculator by Nathan Crotty

Calculates and graphs compound interest using 'Chart.js'

An encryption interface

Symetric encryption proccess using Python

JavaScript and HTML5 neomorphic calculator

JavaScript and HTML5 neomorphic calculator

Python Game made using turtle

Game made exclusively in Python using the 'turtle' library

Golden Spiral

This Python Program draws a golden spiral based on the fibinacci sequence

Contact Me